Saturday, December 29, 2007

HPV Vaccine Dangers

The following is an email update I received from PROVE. It is long. There was no way I could post a link to it, but it is VERY IMPORTANT for you to have this information, so I put it up anyway.

Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education
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[PROVE Note: Judicial Watch recently reported that through several Freedom of Information Act requests, they have discovered 3,461 adverse reactions including eleven deaths reported to the FDA and CDC's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System for the HPV vaccine. You can read Judicial Watch's report and documents at the link posted below.
Additionally, I'm including two recent articles on two different HEALTHY ALTHLETIC teenage girls becoming very seriously injured by the HPV vaccine. We'd like people to think about the fact that this is the same vaccine that is being pushed for mandates by misinformed or conflict-of-interest ridden legislators around the country.
As political races continue to heat up, be aware of the candidates from the presidential level down to your county officials and where they feel the government's role should be in health care. Experience shows that the more control the government has over your health care, the less freedom you will have, period. Don't forget that WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS - our FDA approved the HPV vaccine, our Congress gave the vaccine maker liability protection from the harm caused by this vaccine, and some of our state legislators and governors have tried to FORCE this vaccine on our young daughters. Look at these articles and ask yourself how much more you want the government deciding for you what you must do to be healthy. Find some candidates you beleive in and help them. Our lives depend on it. - DR]
Mom Says HPV Vaccine Caused Paralysis in 12-Year-Old
By Jackelyn Barnard
First Coast News

Teen falls ill after vaccine injection
LAWRENCE, Kan. - A Lawrence couple is furious over a new government-approved vaccine designed to prevent a type of cancer. They say it almost killed their daughter and significantly altered her life.
15-year-old Marissa Omon is an athlete. The daughter of a Nigerian soccer player she played basketball, volleyball and track, until now.
Surgeons put a defibrillator inside her chest Monday night fearing her heart could stop at any moment.
"HPV cost my daughter. It almost cost her her life," said Edem Omon.
Edem Omon is convinced his healthy, athletic teenage daughter Miranda almost died because of a vaccine doctors gave her to prevent cervical cancer.
Three weeks ago Miranda took a physical. Edem said he reluctantly allowed a doctor to give her the HPV vaccine.
"He convinc ed me the drug was safe," said Edem.
Less than three hours later, while practicing basketball at Free State High School, Miranda suddenly collapsed. Her heart stopped. Paramedics needed a defibrillator to revive her. Miranda was rushed to Children's Mercy where she spent several days unable to walk or talk.
Doctors ran a battery of tests, CT scans, x-rays and biopsies. They could find no explanation for Miranda's sudden heart problem.
They say they do not believe the HPV vaccine has anything to do with it.
"I do believe it's safe," said Dr. Scott Dattel.
Dattel is not Miranda's doctor but said he's never heard of any major side effects caused by HPV, only soreness and fever.
"HPV vaccine was thoroughly tested before the FDA approved it and I do think for that reason it is safe," said Dattel.
Miranda is still in Children's Mercy. If all goes well she could go home this week but doctors will not allow her to play competitive sports that she loves.
Judicial Watch Uncovers New FDA Records Detailing Deaths in 1,824 Adverse Reaction Reports Related to HPV Vaccine

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